Today I went with France (yes, like the country), a teacher who I will be working with, and her family to Les fĂȘtes Renaissance du Roi du l'Oiseau, a medieval festival in Puy en Velay, a small town just south of Saint Etienne. People came from all over the country either to play tourist, or to partake in the festivities. To work up an appetite, we climbed to the #4 attraction in France, Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe, a little church built on top of a mountain entirely made of volcanic rock from a neighboring now inactive volcano. Construction began in the 10th (!!!) century, and I can't even begin to imagine how they got the rocks from the volcano to this city, before making it up the hill.
On another hill is the ever impressive La Madone
Walking through the city
At the end of the day there was an hour long parade, filled with people from all over the country, dressed to the nines in their medieval Sunday best.
I forgot to mention that I too, was in costume (borrowed from France) but unfortunately for you (and very fortunately for me), there are no pictures. If you ever get the chance to go to a Renaissance fair, I highly suggest you take it. The people were so into it, especially the ones that traveled to Puy en Velay, they stayed in tents outside and burned firewood, like they would have done in the middle ages. (!!!) Until next time...
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