Friday, January 21, 2011

from HNL -> BRU

SO, I'm starting a few days late but here I am in Brussels safe and sound.  It is 8:30 am on the 21st of January and I just finished uploading pictures from the past few days.  I finally feel like I'm catching up on my sleep, all of us just woke up and we are all skyping/gmailing/facebooking right now.  It's currently 28 degrees and the forecast for the day is foggy :( .  Quite the difference from HI where it is 77 degrees! Anyway, photos are more entertaining than my rambling so here are some pics from our bon voyage fête/the last few days before I left.
they made work bearable 
my support system
from my lovely parents
And now here we are in Brussels!  I was definitely half asleep for the first day so these were taken while walking around yesterday.  Allie and I were apartment hunting and we are close to finding one either separately or together, we have another appointment today so hopefully we'll have a place to live within the next day or so!
This is a church called Saint Antoine and right behind it was a potential apartment that I was looking at yesterday.  I actually really liked the place but I'm not sure what's going on with it, I emailed the guy about it last night but he hasn't answered me back yet.
While we were waiting to see this apartment, Allie and I perused a grocery store nearby for a while and I had to take pictures of the cheese section!  As well as these chips:
Snooki would have a field day with these.
My first REAL cup of coffee and it was DElicious and it was illy!  Here we were eating lunch after apartment hunting in Etterbeek.  
Here is our very first Belgian waffle.  Looks amazing doesn't it?  It WASN'T :( We all took a bite out of it and thought hmm...this tastes stale/frozen/weird/etc.  Later on we had waffles from the metro and they were A-mazing.  Sorry, no pictures of that waffle, it was too cold to take my camera out.  
This was taken down an alley near Avenue Louise, a really cutesy shopping district where we spent the second half of the day walking around.  More pictures to come, about to get ready to start the day.  Have a meeting at the school today to figure out our schedules for classes hopefully all goes well.  A plus! 


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